Just Jay: Back in the Day
My goal with this BLOG is to take my readers on a journey through the EDM scene as I experienced it going back to the late 1980s in Chicago--where House music originated. As my goal is to educate, I must first share some of my real-life accounts of some of the amazing things I've seen, some of which transcend reality. I wanted to discuss an issue that is indictive of the EDM culture and has been for several years: club drugs. I cannot sit here in good conscience and go on a rant about how most EDM events are drug-free simply because that is not true. You may be asking yourselves, "who is this guy to inform us. What makes him qualified?" Honestly, I was a big-time ecstasy dealer selling in multiple states. I've sold at raves, festivals, concerts, hotel rooms, street corners, you name it. Don't get me wrong. I have a lot of followers--mostly younger--who look up to me, so I am not trying to provide a "How to guide on selling ...